Unleashing the Power of Community: Introducing WigoWaves

Wigo Ecosystem
4 min readJan 14, 2023


WigoSwap is excited to announce the launch of our new community ambassador program, WigoWaves. This program is designed to create a super-loyal group of smarter and more passionate community members who will have the opportunity to grow alongside the WigoSwap project. WigoWaves will serve as a decentralized organization with multiple capabilities in executing simple and complex tasks for WigoSwap, as well as a powerful tool for organizing marketing campaigns on social media and more.

The program will provide members with a monthly WIGO, as well as a monthly chance to win unique Wiggies, and other rewards. WigoWaves will also benefit from the growth of the WigoSwap project, as the value of WIGO tokens increases.

The WigoWaves program is led by the WigoSwap Chief Waver, active and smart manager who will have a special title within the organization. WigoWaves is an exclusive opportunity that is only open to professionals and is not easy to join.

To join WigoWaves, interested individuals must fill out the Registration Form and go through a selection process. The selection process is designed to filter people and categorize them into different groups based on their skills and expertise.

WigoWaves Badges

Badges will be assigned to WigoWaves members based on their specialties and capabilities. These badges include:

  • WigoWaves — BD (Business Development)
  • WigoWaves — Marketing & Growth
  • WigoWaves — Design
  • WigoWaves — Content Creation
  • WigoWaves — Community Management
  • WigoWaves — Technical Support
  • etc.

Private Communication

WigoWaves members will have access to a private exclusive channel on the WigoSwap Discord server, which is well-structured and allows for easy communication and cooperation with the WigoSwap team. There will also be a private room for thinking and brainstorming within the channel.

Perks & Rewards

Speaking of rewards, WigoWaves members can earn up to $2000 per month, plus bonuses and exclusive Wiggy NFTs. The most valuable and effective members will also be recognized with special titles such as “WigoWaves MVP” and “WigoWaves Game-changer” and will receive additional WIGO rewards.

Some of the top titles that WigoWaves members can earn monthly Wiggy NFTs based on their title include:

  • WigoWaves MVP (Most Valuable Player)
  • WigoWaves Game-changer (For members who have significantly impacted the community or project)
  • WigoWaves Trailblazer (For members who pave the way for others to follow)
  • WigoWaves Superstar (For members who shine in multiple areas or are all-around top performers)
  • WigoWaves Visionary (For innovative members who think ahead and come up with strategic plans)
  • WigoWaves Newcomer (For new members who have recently joined the WigoWaves community)

WigoWaves members will have access to a private, exclusive channel on the WigoSwap Discord server where they can collaborate with other members and the core team. There will also be a private room for brainstorming and idea generation. Additionally, WigoWaves members will be able to earn credits through their activities and contributions to the community, which will be used to determine their share of the monthly rewards.

But WigoWaves is not just about the rewards. Members will also have the opportunity to connect with the core team, learn about updates before anyone else, and have a direct impact on WigoSwap’s growth through their efforts.

Some of the ways in which WigoWaves members can help WigoSwap include:

  • Local PR marketing plans for non-English regions
  • Business development and collaboration opportunities
  • Content creation and social media engagement
  • Design and graphic work
  • Educating new potential users
  • Bug bounties and improvement suggestions

Performance Evaluation

To evaluate WigoWaves activities in the best way, we are designing an assessment system to Credit activities and select the best performers in a month.

  1. Defining a set of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of WigoWaves activities. These criteria would be specific, measurable, and aligned with the goals of WigoSwap.
  2. Assigning a weighting to each criterion. This will determine how much each criterion contributes to the overall evaluation of WigoWave’s efforts.
  3. Developing a scoring system for each criterion. This will provide a way to quantitatively measure the effectiveness of each WigoWave’s activities.
  4. Set up a system for WigoWaves to report their activities and results. This would be in the form of a monthly report or an online submission system, where WigoWaves can provide details of the activities they have undertaken, and the results they have achieved.
  5. Use the criteria, weighting, and scoring system to evaluate the reported activities and results. This will allow you to assign a score to each WigoWave, which will be used to determine their overall effectiveness.
  6. Use the scores to determine each WigoWave’s share of the monthly rewards and budget. This could be done by multiplying the score by a certain number of WIGO tokens.
  7. Communicate the results to the WigoWaves on a regular basis, such as weekly or monthly, and use the leaderboards to show the top performers.
  8. Continuously evaluate and improve the system to make sure it’s fair and aligned with the goals of WigoSwap.

Overall, WigoWaves is a fantastic opportunity for community members to get more involved with WigoSwap, earn rewards, and make a real impact on the project’s growth. We are thrilled to be launching this program and can’t wait to see the incredible contributions that our WigoWaves members will make.

📣 How to register?

➡️ Open the registration form we’ve provided here and get ready for being a WigoWave!



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